Irregular Expressions

It looks like there are two types of posts here: links to things I find funny, and updates on my personal life. If you're looking for something more substantial, look elsewhere - like here :)

Saturday, March 19, 2005

A Friday night

So Tarun had his birthday party tonight. A bunch of us went out for dinner and then went to no.6 where we played pool and danced. The evening was awesome. I had cut my hair ealier in the day, shortened it for the first time in probably 9 years or so, and wore a short skirt and high heels and makeup after a really long time - finally an evening when I didn't feel like an MIT geek.
The funny thing was, when I got home, there were these two guys I'd never met sitting in the kitchen drinking :) Thus continues the saga of "my roommate's vodka-drinking Russian friends". Zoya, my life would be so much blander without you :)


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